Saturday, 10 March 2012

Hi, I'm alive and stuff

Just wanted to make a quick post to say that I haven't died yet. It's just pretty much my motivation to do anything that has died. The two projects I've been working on that mark the end of my degree really took a dive over the last couple of weeks. Nothing really seemed to be working and my motivation hit an all-time low and I just kinda gave up with everything. Lame and stupid, I know, but I guess I'm one of those pissy creative types who wallow in self-pity when they can't seem to make anything work.

But now things are on the up and I'm slowly getting somewhere with both projects. However, I'm gonna have to be putting in heck-loads of work to make up for my dry spell, so any more Skeleton Duet chapters look a bit unlikely for a while. (That is until I decide that I'd rather be writing than earning a First in Graphic Design and let's face it, that will happen.)

On the flip side of things, I've fallen back into a major Joker kick. As in the Joker from Batman. Yeah, did I ever mention I like crazos? That will become apparent in ASD soon enough (if it already hasn't). I've been way too absorbed in it though; the other night I had a Joker dream, and typically it's way too fucked up and weird to explain.

However, I have been creative during this massive slump. I've done some sketches of both Hades and Talon, which at some point I hope to upload here. I've been doing some other writing and I even drew a picture of the Joker. Just one, I know, but I am in a slump. Here it is:

You can see a larger version of it on my DeviantArt which is here. Interesting point about the 'wake up' graffiti; I actually saw it here in Portsmouth and thought it strangely profound. I totally intend to steal it for later use in ASD.

Anyways, if you don't hear from me in like.... a month... don't worry, I'm not dead, I'm just being a bad blogger. Seriously, Graphic Design drains the soul, I'm so glad I can vent my more personal creativity here. I think each help the other to be fair, so I can't complain too much. I gotta get a job in the field after all.

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