Saturday, 28 January 2012

Chapter 4 of Skeleton Duet

Here's a fun little fact for you, I've just discovered I've written one more chapter than I thought on this story because I accidentally titled two chapters as chapter 5. I don't know why but this for some reason excites me quite a lot. It really shouldn't.

Incidentally, I've just finished watching Darker than Black, a pretty cool anime, but the ending aggravated me an awful lot because there were so many questions it didn't answer that I now feel compelled to read the manga, Bones, which it's based on. But it's pretty good inspiration for the action chapters in Skeleton Duet, which I find harder to write for.

That kind of has nothing to do with this chapter, which has like no action in it, but it's still pretty tense. (She says hopefully) Click on the link to read more.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Chapter 3 of Skeleton Duet

I know, I know, I've only just posted chapter two but this is the one I'm really proud of so far. Talon is such a devil and I love him.

Click to read more, because you know you want to ;)

Chapter 2 of Skeleton Duet

Well, I hope you read and liked the first chapter. I now have two beta readers and I feel chuffed to have them. Only one of them has given me the feedback so far, which means I may update this later, but I thought I'd put it up anyway because I do love feedback :)

There isn't really any plot development in this chapter but I guess it's one of those necessary ones that would leave a massive plot-hole if they were left out. It gets much more exciting in the next chapter - or at least I think it does.

If you're reading these please do comment, I really wanna know what people think.

Click link for ready-ready.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

In case you were wondering...

I thought I'd put up some sketches of what the main character(s) of my story looks like. These are just some of my drawings of Hades, because I'm somewhat obsessed with drawing him, but I'm waaay more obsessed with drawing the other character Talon. He's the one with long dark hair in the sketches. He'll be appearing in the story real soon.

Click the link to see the pics :)

Monday, 23 January 2012

There's this thing I've been writing...

And it's getting to a point where people could actually start reading it, which is like OMG so exciting. Trust me, I mostly write meaningless drabbles. Anyways, it centres around two characters of mine, for who I mostly have their life story planned out. It takes place on a kind of parallel-world where creatures that can wield magic are oppressed in society, and have to hide their identities from humans. It's not a new concept I know, but hopefully the way I execute it will be, or at least it will be entertaining for people. So without further ado, bring on chapter one!

Hi there!

I guess a quick little intro is in order. I mean, obviously you can get the basic info about me in the side bar, but this is just to kind of inform/warn you what sort of stuff I might be posting.

Umm, so yeah, this blog is going to mainly be used to vent my creativeness in any way I see fit. I've been yearning for a while for a place to put things, such as sketches, stories, and the general sort of unfinished ideas. Then I, and hopefully other interested people, can go back and see how my wonderful brain has developed over time.

My aim is to not hold back, so I guess maybe there will be some crazy ideas, and maybe some ideas that may offend people, but whatever, you have been warned.

Incidentally, here is my DeviantART account which has pictures and various things I have made in the past. It remains mainly dormant because I decided it was a bit lame that I just kept on uploading unfinished sketches. But it still has some nice stuff on it, so yeah, go look, and by the time you come back, there should be some awesome on this blog.