Sunday 19 February 2012

A Skeleton Duet - drawings and other such things

Hi there! I've been drawing things instead of writing things. I do that sometimes. Well, actually, I'm nearly always doing things when I should be doing something else. It's the beautiful art of procrastination at its best! 

To see its fruits click below! 

Sunday 12 February 2012

Chapter 8 of Skeleton Duet

I am kinda meant to be waiting for my beta to recheck this, but I'm impatient and when I realised I hadn't posted anything since Tuesday I just had to act!

This chapter may well be one of my favourites so far. If you thought shit was going down in the previous chapter, then this one is gonna make you realise it's only just begun. In fact, I probably should've mentioned before I started posting this story, it's not really for kiddies. I wouldn't know how to rate it though, because aside from the occasional cursing and violence it probably won't seem that bad. Could go with a 15+, like they do in the movies. Yeah, let's go with that.

Anyway, without further ado, here's the chapter. Enjoy!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Chapter 7 of Skeleton Duet

Hi there. I went to the gym today for the first time in ages and now my body nor my brain appear to be working. But at least I had my lovely beta Jo to give me feedback tonight. This probably wouldn't be up until tomorrow if it weren't for her. If then.

Anyway this is a fun chapter. The plot thickens :)

Sunday 5 February 2012

For those who are curious

I have drawn a map of the Kimony Isles (well, for the second time) and it may help with understanding a little more about the geography in A Skeleton Duet. I don't pretend to know a lot about maps and geography stuff, but I did once read a great tutorial by a guy who did and therefore this drawing is halfway credible.

Yeah... The general idea is that they once existed as one big island and then split into several after a big volcanic explosion or just by general sea-level rising. Take your pick, I'm not that bothered really.

Friday 3 February 2012

Chapter 6 of Skeleton Duet

Yesterday was a busy day. I think it was the most studious I've felt so far this year. It did mean, however, that I couldn't put up chapter six as quickly as I'd wanted to. Well, that was probably the fault of me going out last night dressed as Catwoman, but you know...

Enough with the obscure life references! Here's chapter six. It's quite a short chapter (like only three and a bit pages on Word) but I think it works. My brain kinda works in scenes, so once a scene is over that's the end of the chapter as far as I'm concerned. Bit weird, but oh well.

Time to get a bit more Talon time. Yay! Click the link to find out what he's up to now.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Chapter 5 of Skeleton Duet

I'm lagging with putting these chapters up, I know, but uni workload has just picked up an awful lot so the laggyness will probably increase to something like once a week. It's sad :( I wish I could just write all day every day at the moment and it's really not helping me finish my degree in style.

May start putting up some of my uni work stuff on here. Rest assured it will still be creative.

Anyways, this chapter is more in the works than the previous ones I've put up, so it may change at some point. I like it a whole lot more than the next one I'm working on so... yeah. I'm sorry, my brain is addled by energy drink and I'm on a serious come down so words aren't working so well.

Please by all means ignore me and read the chapter. Click on the linky link :)